Monday, December 28, 2009

Disney Christmas Post

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! J It’s Christmas! Yay! I still can’t believe how fast time is flying. And I know, oh boy do I know, that when it comes time for my to apply for the College Program next fall in August/September, time will go so slow while I wait for my acceptance (I hope) or my rejection (boy, do I hope not).

Impatiently, I’m waiting for the spring presentation to be held at DSU or UD around me as there are no presentations held at my college. Mom and I are planning on attending either of these presentations; as she wants to be able to ask questions to her heart’s content so that she feels reassured. She actually is okay with me moving 925 miles to go work for the mouse as I’m not the first person in my family to do the CP.  Also, with attending the Spring Presentation; I can just simply watch the online presentation and then apply.

I started thinking about what I would need for the program. Is that crazy? I personally don’t think so since most of my family buys Christmas presents all year long for Christmas. So, most of the time; if I know far enough in advance exactly what I want (like this Christmas I asked for clothes and money since I’m going abroad) they are able to usually get exactly what I want and I don’t get sticker shock when I have go drop hundred’s of dollars on things that I need. I did this with my college stuff and only had to buy like 50 dollars worth of stuff when I started college.
On a side note, I tool all of the information I printed off the College Program website to the Register’s Office about receiving credit for the College Program. I also was told that there was someone else from Wesley who did the CP and he got credit. So…. I’m praying for Pixie Dust!

Did anyone watch the Disney Christmas Parade? I did not get too, we were eating breakfast or on the road while it was going on. I’ve been at Walt Disney World for Christmas once before in 1998 and It was AMAZING. I love all the magic that goes on during that season.

Much Disney Magic for The Season,

**I wrote this on Christmas Day in the car on our way up towards Mardela/Philly. I just did not have internet access until now to post this. Plus, I’m on vacation right now in Williamsburg, Virginia. If you want to follow my vacation adventures, click here [].

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas :)

..... Merry Christmas! I just wanted to drop in and say that, since it's been a busy couple of weeks. I have been writing blogs, but not posting them.  :) I'll post them sometime soon :)

Today, My family had opened presents here already, is eating breakfast, then going to our farm where my great-aunt lives and on to Philadelphia where my step-dad lives :)

Much love :)
And a happy birthday to Jesus :)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

I loveee my registar's department, I really do.

So, today on a total whim, I decided to stop by the Registrar's at my college. Now, I was very nervous doing this as when I had talked to my advisor, you would have thought I was asking to go do an internship on the moon.
Just wait.
THEY are so excited that another student is doing this program :) I'm the second from Wesley to do this program, they know the program and are going to do all they can to get me credits for it :)

more later. Must go write a paper right now and decorate a tree. and print Disney Stuff. And god know what else.
